Sunday, December 14, 2014

Vayaskara Mooss, Another Legend of Kerala Ayurveda

Myths have a significant role in forming the culture and tradition of Kerala, the southernmost stated in India. Even it has a myth regarding its formation. It is believed that Kerala has been formed by Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu by throwing his ax into the sea from the hills of Gokarna. After forming the state, he has appointed eight Brahmin families to take care of the health of people inhabiting here. They are known as “Ashta Vaidyas” or eight doctors. These families are carrying out the practice of Ayurveda, the traditional medical stream of India even now. Vayaskara family in the Kottayam district of Kerala is one such family.
There are many stories about the effectiveness of their treatment. Here are a few of them.
Logic and common sense are the two qualities needed for a medical practitioner. The medicines prescribed in the texts will be the same, but the result of the treatment depends upon how a medical practitioner uses it. Even the children of this family are blessed with these two qualities hereditary. Here is a story about it.
Once, the head of the family has gone outside to treat some patients, and painting of the house was carried out then. On those days, quick lime was used to paint houses. A big bucket was kept outside the house filled with the liquid of quick lime. When the cowherd of the house released the cows from the shed, they all came there and drank this liquid and fell sick. Ladies in the family got worried as there were no communication systems on those days to inform the head of the family about the incident. After a long thought, they called a little boy from the family who was playing in the compound and narrated the incident. They asked him about the remedy. He asked the servants to bring lots of beetle nuts, and make a paste by crushing it and mixing it with water. As per his suggestion, they did the same. Then the boy gave the paste to the cows. After having a specific quantity of that paste, all the cows got relieved. When the head of the family came back, the ladies narrated the incident. He called the boy and asked him who told him about this medicine.
The innocent boy replied quickly that nobody has told, but he thought it will do as he has heard so many times the elders telling that the lime is too much on the beetle leaves which they used to chew, hence one more piece of beetle nut is needed. Thus he came to the conclusion that the beetle nuts can neutralize the effects of excess lime and he prescribed the medicine.

As mentioned earlier, this family is one of the eight families appointed by Parasurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Hence, they take it as a service rather than a business. Even now they will not prescribe unnecessary medicines to the patients. Here is a good example of it. It happened very recently.
Once, a rich man in that area called Mathews suffered stomach aches. He was not able to eat anything though he was rich enough to buy any food article. He consulted many doctors of all medical streams, but there was no result. Finally, he came to Vayaskara Mooss. Vayaskra Mooss is a surname used by the male members of the family and in each generation, they are known by that name. Then Mooss examined him thoroughly and asked him what he used to have. He told that he was a poor man a few years back and was not in a position to buy costly rice. Hence he used to have a bean of rice which collect from various houses. However, he is having the best quality rice in the present as he has enough money with him. Mooss recognized the diseases and told him to mix a small quantity of bean of rice in water and to make a paste. He should have it before each meal.
Mathews, who became a rich man quickly could not digest this idea. He was highly egoistic and take this prescription as an insult to him. What he thought that the Mooss will suggest some costly medicines. Depressed with the treatment of Mooss, he went back and consulted another Ayurvedic Doctor of the locality called as Govindan Vaidyan. He narrated the entire incident and told the doctor that Mooss has insulted him by suggesting a cheaper medicine.
Govindan Vaidyar, who had great respect for Vayaskara Mooss was sure that the medicine suggested by the Mooss was the right one, still, he did not say it to Mathews. Instead, he told Mathews to have a special medicine prepared by him.
“But it will be costly” he added. Mathews said that he is not caring about the cost. He bought the medicine paying an exorbitant price. The name of the medicine was Kasthoori Rasayana. After having the medicine for three weeks, Mathews cured completely. He wanted to tell the incident to Mooss and went to the Vayaskara house. There he revealed that he had taken a costly medicine from Govindan Vaidyar and now he is relieved of the pain completely. As the answer to the query of Mooss Mathews told that the name of the medicine is Kasthoori Rasayana.

Following a burst of loud laughter, Mooss told Mathews that it was his fat that he had to eat the bean of rice from Govindan Vaidyar’s house although he had the same at his own house. This Rasayana was nothing but a paste of bean of rice. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is there an incidence of Vayaskara Mooss treating a pregnant lady with rupture uterus sand foetal hand protruding out of abdomen? If so please describe.
